King Yak's International Haunted House of Chili

Discordian Shrine & Bait Shop


My name is Steve Johnson, and I write things. Mostly I write role-playing games for a company that I co-founded called Hex Games. We make a game system called QAGS and supplements for it like the award-winning Hobomancer and the not-as-award-winning Sharktoberfest. I’ve also written for assorted content farms, for a local alternative paper called Bazooka Magazine, and for my own amusement. Sometimes I design websites, screw around with Photoshop, and do funny/obnoxious things on the internet. In order to survive in society, I usually work a day job as well. Among other things, I’ve been a customer support rep, a comic shop manager, a cab driver, a parts/IT guy for a plastics company, and the safety guy on a construction site. I have a degree in Computer Science with minors in History and Studio Art from Transylvania University, which is located in Lexington Kentucky and reasonably vampire-free. I currently live in western Kentucky a few miles from where the Ohio and Mississippi rivers meet.

Other potentially useful information:

  • Also Known As: Bucky Manitoba, Chainsaw, Hudson Hawk, Hunter S. Zevon, Kingyak, Mr. Spooky, Sam Tesseract
  • Stuff I Write About: Role-Playing Games, Humor, Geek Culture, Forteana (aka weird shit), Books, Movies, TV Shows, Music, Politics, anything else that catches my interest.
  • Stuff I Don’t Write: Search Engine Oriented Content. I tried that for about 3 weeks and realized that writing about historically accurate floor tiles for a penny a word (without credit) so that somebody could Earn Big Buck With Google Ads (TM) was just not for me.
  • Top Five Vaguely Marketable Skills: Writing, Editing, Layout, Web Design, Game Design
  • Interests: Movies, Forteana, Books, Music, Comics, Games, Good Beer
  • Favorite Beatle: Ringo
Updated: August 20, 2014 — 7:03 am


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  1. Hi Steve!

    I’m Thouny, a translator for, a French roleplaying games-related website. We started as the French version of the famous, but now we’re translating texts from any website, as long as we think it is interesting enough.

    I’ve just discovered your last article, Why Even Use Rules? on deathcookie, and found it really interesting 🙂 So, I’d like to know if you would mind us translating it in French?

    You would of course be credited as the original author, and we will add anything you might want (e.g. a link to your website). Please look for example at this article: The © is under the author’s name, and at the end is a link to the original article.

    So, would you be interested?


    1. That would be great. Please include a link to in the article.

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