[Editor’s Note: This review may seem jumbled and disjointed, but it’s at least 1,000 times more coherent than the plot of the Suicide Squad.] Will Smith is mad, Harley’s crazy. They both have theme music. Amanda Waller has theme music, too. It’s “Sympathy for the Devil,” which makes sense. Seems like this is the Amanda […]
Tag: Comics
Movie Review: Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice
Spoiler Warning: Worrying that spoilers will ruin this movie is kind of like worrying about a hangnail on a hand that just got chopped off, but if you don’t want to miss out on experiencing all the Snyderiffic magic for yourself, you might want to wait until you’ve seen the movie to read this. When […]
Salvation Without Morality: The World of According to Jack T. Chick
Even if you don’t recognize his name, you’ve probably seen Jack Chick’s work. His company, Chick Publications, produces religious tracts in comic book form that are often left in public places so that “the lost” can find them, read them, and accept Jesus Christ as their personal lord and savior. Chick designed this indirect form […]