Pandora is a distant planet rich in a valuable mineral amusingly named “unobtainium.” The only problem is that the richest deposit lies directly beneath the village of a group of natives known as the Navi–ten-foot tall anorexic smurfs who are a tough enemy to beat despite their primitive ways. In order to avoid a costly […]
Tag: Movies
Review: Anvil! The Story of Anvil
Anvil! The Story of Anvil is, as the name implies a documentary about Canadian thrash band Anvil. In the 1980s, Anvil played shows with lots of great hair and metal bands, but for some reason they never really got the fame that they probably deserved. Of course, that hasn’t stopped core members (the rest of […]
Review: Terminator: Salvation
Slashing For Jesus
One of the most enduring sub-genres of horror film is the “slasher flick.” The first movie of this type to gain widespread recognition was Tobe Hooper’s 1974 classic The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, in which a traveling band of teenagers are picked off one by one by a chainsaw-wielding madman. Other killfests followed, but it was […]